The parental units arrived on Thursday evening at about 6pm and ever since we have been doing things non-stop (such as: Mudpie on Thursday night with so many faces I love all belting out Emily Grace's "I Love Chattanooga" and a cover of "Wagon Wheel" while filming a music video--a visit to my Greyfriar's abode--trading old, dusty books stored in Delaware for music and movies at McKay's for 3 hours--the most expensive [and delicious] dinner I have ever eaten at Hennen's with an abundance of compliments thrown my way by the staff I love working with--a small but first dose of Mountain Opry, the epitome of Tennessee--and today awaits).
I have not had time to think of things to be responsible about, like cleaning, or support raising, or worry about paying bills (because in fact, the Bank of Dad is right here- how convenient). Nothing like having your security blankets for the first 18 years of life around to keep you from worrying about real life crap. Except it also makes you feel older...and that's kind of a slap in the face sometimes.
I started listening to Chris Rice's Living Room Sessions Christmas CD today (which, by the way, is beautiful- it's only piano). McKay's, it turns out, has a special bin for all Christmas music, categorized, cheap, and waiting to be bought a month too early. Now how am I supposed to pass that up? Exactly. Yay Christmas.
Hello! Did I miss something here?? How did I not know about your blog??
hellooo this is why you need faceboook
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