Yesterday I was feeling miserable about life and people and myself and was just totally burnt out so I bought myself an egg nog milkshake and fries and came home and watched a depressing movie about finding love til I couldn't keep my eyes open.
This morning I woke up to the sound of the neighborhood kids playing outside and I just knew from the happy tone of their voice that it had, after all, snowed! I looked at my phone and it was only 8:30am but I was somehow wide awake after looking out the window (snow does that). So I pried myself out of my warm bed and went downstairs to make coffee, my mood instantly going up a few notches just because some cold white stuff fell on the ground outside.
Saturdays are usually my time for an extended time with Jesus since all week has been mornings when I have to watch the clock before I have to leave to do something or another so I don't have time to simply sit with him. And this week I'd been really bad at spending any time with him at all, and my mood proved it. So I plopped down on my couch, still in a pretty crappy mood. And something warm and bright interrupted:

Before getting out of bed, Facebook chat with Mari saying: "have a great day! Look! the sun is coming out!!"
Re-reading this great blog post by my good friend Peri because I needed some encouragement: "...I love making the sun shine on you for your pleasure..."
Chris Rice's "Smellin' Coffee" playing on my iTunes:
"I'm smellin' coffee

The birds are singin' just outside
Here comes your mercy
Streamin' in with the mornin' light
My heart's racin'
Wakin' up to your smile
Good mornin'"
All that. On purpose. I LOVE it when He does that. Exactly when I need it.
Bonus: a picture of the snow out my favorite window: